Got your attention right way, didn’t we? People say dogs are man’s best friend for good reason. They are funny, loyal, protective, social creatures who have lived side by side with us humans for thousands of years, but their role on enhancing our health is receiving greater appreciation.
The other day we ran across an article in the Well Blog in the New York Times about Therapy Dogs that caught our attention. The author talks about her experiences with “Max” her cute as a button, hypoallergenic Havanese who she has gotten certified as a Therapy Dog. Amongst their benefits are anxiety reduction and perking up others.
Let’s Check-In was founded because all kinds of people have a real need for connection, and there are many ways to make that happen. Helping people to deal with health challenges, mental health issues, or simply the stresses of life requires a variety of options in the toolbox. So the idea that having a bit of unconditional love coming at you with the form of a friendly-faced and well trained dog makes perfect sense.
Perhaps you want your pet trained and certified–it’s not just for dogs! Check out the Times piece and search for a provider in your community via sites like Pet Partners, The American Kennel Club or Animal Health Foundation.